ICC (Inter-Cultural Communication)

Intercultural communication is a course that helps to bridge the communication barrier between students from different linguistic and cultural origins. Despite being geographical distance between South East Asia and European countries, the differences in the way of life, culture and religion plays a huge impact on the daily life.

This course helps the student to understand the divergence in order to be able to accommodate to a new environment without experiencing a culture shock, which could lead to a decreasing study performance. Therefore, a special course of 20 hours in Intercultural Communication is offered by the Mercator Office to give insights to the students about cultural differences between Asian and Western countries, whilst focusing on German culture. With this combination, students are well prepared to enter the German education system and cultural environment.

Terms & Conditions of Bridging Courses:

  • Conducted in Mercator Office;
  • Course participants should attend at least 80% of the total number of lessons;
  • Pass of language courses is condition for admission to studies at UDE;
  • Accommodation and living costs during preparation courses are to be paid in addition;
  • Full payment of course fee must be made upon registration of course;
  • No refund of course fees once participants have started attending lessons.

For more information, please contact Mercator Office.